Let's make our community a better place by ensuring the landmark auditorium remains
accessible and affordable to all.
Let's make our community a better place by ensuring the landmark auditorium remains
accessible and affordable to all.
Our mission is to continue servicing the community for another 90 years as the region's only public auditorium and memorial which commemorates the deeds of the sons and daughters of Louisville, Kentucky and Jefferson County who served in WWI.
Thousands use the historic and multi-purpose venue annually for concerts, world-renowned performances, dance competitions and recitals, stage plays, student performances, religious gatherings, speaking engagements, fashion shows, community gatherings, weddings, private parties, meetings, memorials and graduations. Attendance exceeds 200,000 patrons annually.
Our quarterly NEWSLETTER is devoted to the preservation of the community's only public auditorium and WWI War Memorial,
with future issues including updates concerning fundraising campaigns, projects and events.
Feedback is encouraged for future issues and the preservation mission.
Are you passionate about what we're doing?
Let us know by contacting kelly@lmaky.com
The focus is adding modern heat and air systems to the facility, updating the seating, lighting & sound systems, and plaster repairs to the historic auditorium, while supporting the ongoing preservation of the world's largest Pilcher Pipe Organ.
90th Anniversary Presentation Video
Generous contributions, as well as getting involved, and sharing the mission with other interested individuals and organizations will support the mission.
While shopping, consider going to https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/homepage and selecting “Louisville Memorial Auditorium Foundation, Inc.” as your charity to help the landmark remain accessible to everyone!
Louisville Memorial Auditorium Foundation, Inc.
1009 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40203
Copyright © 2021 Louisville Memorial Auditorium Foundation, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.